Dwarf Kingdoms
The mountains that ring the plains of Arran are host to a number of powerful Dwarf holds, populated by the remnants of the once mighty Dwarf empire. In ancient times, the Dwarves occupied all the World's Spine mountains that stretch towards the south. The Dragon Wars saw much of these holdings destroyed and lost, their devastation a painful memory for many Dwarves throughout history. The remaining holds are broken up into regional lordships, with each of these rulers paying homage to the High King in Kingsreach. Dwarves do extensive trade with the humans in Arran and the Midlands, their well-crafted goods demanding a high price in foreign markets.

Dwarves are one of the oldest races in the world, birthed beneath the mountains in time immemorial. They grew and expanded in ancient times, their hegemony stretching from the tip of the Moraine mountains in the north to the far south of the Worlds Spine. All of these realms were connected by a shared culture and religion, united in their faith and dedication to their creator Kamay. As the Dwarves dug their mines deeper into the roots of the mountains they uncovered dragons, hibernating since some primordial age. They awoke with great anger, launching the great Dragon Wars that would see much of the Dwarf holdings fall to their assault. Ultimately, though, the Dwarves would barely manage to scrape out a victory, though at a massive cost. Generations were lost in the conflict, and only in the modern day have the Dwarves been able to take steps towards rebuilding their former glory. Their friendship with the humans in Arran has assisted them greatly, the two groups able to lean on one another for help and protection.
Dwarf aristocracy is a somewhat complicated knot of titles and responsibilities. The empire is led by the High King, his authority extending over all Dwarf holds throughout the mountains. Beneath him are more regional rulers, known as holdkings, who govern their lands quite autonomously from the High King’s oversight. As long as homage is paid, and tributes make their way to the capital of Kingsreach, they are generally left to their own devices. Beneath the holdkings are more local lords and rulers, making up the nobility in a given area. Their society is quite restrictive when it comes to social mobility, with families locked into a caste or strata for generation upon generation. This keeps the nobility in power despite any conflict or misfortune they may suffer.
Each Holdking is responsible for a region of the remaining Dwarf empire, expanding and growing it as they see fit. Each of them falls under the rule of the High King in Kingsreach, owing him allegiance and homage in addition to tribute. The arrangement is such, however, that provided a Holdking offers sufficient tribute, he is generally left alone. Autonomous and mostly independent, Holdkings wield immense power within their designated realms. Empowered in their own importance, they often gather supporters and vassals loyal to themselves, building their own hegemony within their small range of mountains. In times long past, this was a major problem among the empire. Strife and warfare between these Holdkings was common, each seeking to overthrow his neighbours and expand his own region. The High Kings held a tenuous balance between their vassals, and were often usurped themselves by more powerful underlings. These cutthroat politics were abandoned in the wake of the Dragon Wars, as all Dwarves had seen their fill of war for some time. The Holdkings were unified in their desire to rebuild, and an unprecedented era of peace came over the empire. Lately, however, this has begun to shift back to the old ways. More and more Dwarves repopulate the holds, and regional rulers chafe for an opportunity to expand their holdings. The High Kings have managed to direct this restlessness towards retaking old holds in the south, but many are looking to make an impact more locally in recent days. It seems that war is set to return to the empire, whether it desires it or not.
Dwarves were once the unparalleled masters of Oderen, stretching their empire across the mountains to dominate the continent. Centuries of hegemony were challenged only by the arrival of the Elves, the newcomers settling so near to the Dwarven heartlands. Upon their arrival, they refused to bow to the incumbent rulers of the region, the pair become rivals almost immediately. Opposed in both philosophy and ambition, the two groups escalated their conflict into outright warfare over centuries of rising tensions. The Dwarves, with devotion to their own infighting, presented a tenacious and dedicated enemy, overwhelming their rivals early attempts to expand their own holdings. Beaten back, the Elves were besieged in their forest, venturing forth in raids but making no real headway in the conflict. The Dragon Wars changed this, drawing the Dwarves attention almost exclusively for generations. With their foes weakened, the Elves saw their opportunity, sacking and pillaging their way into the mountains. None of these gains were permanent however, the Elves having little desire to settle the mountains, instead retreating to the Kochi. This has remained the state of the conflict into the modern day, Elves raiding and the Dwarves seeking to limit the damage. This tide is turning as the Dwarves regain their strength as a people, seeking to reclaim lost and fallen holdings. Elf raids have become less and less successful, and some Dwarf lords are looking to push them out of even their forest strongholds.
Daily Life
Life for most Dwarves consists of almost ritual dedication to their chosen craft. Their society is built upon order and social structure, and so lacks much of the interruptions and distractions of the human lands. Religion is a major aspect of Dwarf life, and colours their interpretation of the world and how they interact with it. Aside from this, many simply go about their tasks with relative peace and ease, especially among the lower classes and castes. Tradition plays a big role in Dwarf behaviour, with ancestor worship a common aspect of their daily life.
Notable Factions
Sadruma's Tears
Sadruma’s Tears are a militant and radical wing of the cult of Sadruma. They believe that her message of equality in poverty was the only true way to achieve Kamay’s goals, and work to that end. They see monetary wealth as opposite to Sadruma’s teachings, and eschew any sort of earthly goods or possessions. They come into conflict with other factions among the Dwarves by actively opposing and attacking followers of other seers or factions. This has drawn the attention of the ruling class of Dwarves, who have banned and exiled many of its members from their realm. As such, many of these militant Dwarves live among the human lands, working alongside followers of Sarana. They consider the two goddesses the same, and often work to radicalize the human members of this cult as well.
Hathaura of Kartir
The Hathaura of Kartir is a group of particularly dedicated worshippers of the preacher Kartir. An elite order, they embody his dedication to complete martial perfection, throwing themselves completely into the training and customs of their cult. Excellent warriors, they fight in full plate with hammers and shield. They are mostly serious and reserved individuals, putting all of their energy into their worship of Kartir. They act as guards for the temples and shrines of the cult, and also as elite units during war on behalf of the Dwarf realms. They notably make up the bodyguard of the Dwarf High King himself. Stalwart and well-disciplined fighters, they eschew magic for physical prowess.
The Dakshavarukti are radical elements of Varukti’s faith. When the Dwarf prophet’s family was murdered at the hands of Orcs, he shaved his head and swore he would kill the creatures until one of them could kill him. Many of his followers took the same oath and travelled into the Badlands to destroy their enemy. Sated only by bloodlust, they are driven and motivated warriors who care little for anything except the deaths of their enemies. Made up of Dwarves who have undergone some great trauma, they shave and tattoo their skulls, swearing to die in combat against whoever wronged them. It is a great and solemn duty to undertake, and one given immense respect within Varukti’s faith. They shun any title or honours, and instead embrace the wild and free lifestyle that Varukti envisioned. They are especially common among the Irondeep, where Varukti’s cult is the strongest.
Notable Places
Kingsreach sits at the head of a great valley, the agricultural heartland of the Dwarf empire. Its floor is covered with farms of various types, while the slopes boast terraces packed to bursting with produce. All of this is overlooked by the city itself, its gates yawning wide at one end of the valley. It winds into the very heart of the mountain, climbing its way up the rocky crags and ledges towards its peak. Here the King of Dwarves, Amit Pratipa, reigns supreme. His chamber at the top of the city overlooks the valley itself, a breathtaking view allowing the High King to survey his domain. The city holds diplomats from the human realms, yet is no entirely open to newcomers. Those who trade with the city are limited to certain neighbourhoods, denied access to its deeper halls and chambers. A series of watchtowers ring the valley, each a formidable fortification in its own right. Soldiers are housed here, ready to respond to threats wherever they may strike. Great beacons adorn these watchtowers, and stretch off across the range in every direction. When one hold comes under assault, these beacons are lit to alert the other holds they require assistance.
Named for its most abundant resource, Copperhead is home to a great copper vein. It is carved into the roots of a mountain, taking advantage of a massive chasm to create a large main hall. This hold is perhaps the friendliest to outsiders among the Dwarf empire, acting as a major stop on the road from Arran to the Midlands. Its markets boast surprising diversity, allowing traders and craftsmen of any stripe to live within the city. The passes on either side of the city are guarded by Copperhead’s soldiers, making it one of the few safe routes over the mountains for caravans and travellers. The peak of its mountain is renowned for a phenomenon during sunrise and sunset, where the light hits the rock at a peculiar angle and reflects brightly off the minerals within it.
A relatively minor hold, Greypeak is somewhat bleak. It is entirely populated by Dwarves, xenophobic even among the Dwarf holds. Far from any outsiders, the residents of Greypeak pride themselves on their resilience and isolationism, needing the support of nobody beyond themselves to keep their city moving along. Its Holdkings are notoriously rebellious, refusing to bow to the High Kings rule for much of history. Its last one, Subir, was removed some three centuries ago and the seat has remained empty since. It now falls under the direct rule of the High King, though his rule is sometimes difficult to enforce among an unruly populace in such a remote location. Greypeak is tremendously fortified, protected against the predations of Harpies and other threats in the surrounding mountains.
Sunken beneath a mountain, Deeproot sits on the eastern edge of the Pessamit range. Very close to the borders of the Kochi, it has a bloody history opposing the Wood Elves in the forest below. Built upon the wealth from its deepest mines, great crevices within the earth that boast an abundance of precious gems and silver. With the relative decline of Dwarf strength across the empire, Deeproot was left vulnerable, its surrounding settlements and holdings severely weakened by assaults from the Elves. None of these losses have been forgotten, and the Dwarves within Deeproot are eager to return the blows they suffered at their lowest point. Looking to secure the river Tarses, Deeproot’s Holdking Mamvadi seeks to open a trade route to Caulois.
Another small hold, Snowcap is nonetheless important. It does significant trade with the people in eastern Homfe, having several smaller Dwarf settlements positioned along the river into the duchy there. It is built into the tallest mountain in the Pessamit range, chief of a cluster that remain snowcapped throughout the year. The hold is known for the cold, its residents taking great pride in their resilience. Furs are a common part of dress in Snowcap, a defining feature of the population there.
Moraine lake is a long, thin lake that stretches along a plateau in the Moraine mountains. Fed by glaciers, the lake is a deep blue colour, almost unnatural in tone. Unparalleled in clarity, its banks and surroundings mark one of the most striking terrains in the world. At one end of the lake sits the gates of Highclear, a Dwarf hold carved deep into the mountains beneath the lake. The hold is well defended, with such a vast moat at its head there is little way to access it from outside but by boat. These boats ferry goods and travellers to and from the city, launching from a mixed Arran and Dwarf settlement at the other end. Here, trade is done, with few being permitted to end far within the hold itself. A relatively isolated Dwarf city, its ruler is Holdking Tarun. Known as the Copper King, his fixation with jewels and aesthetic metals has clouded his rule.
Far removed from the squabbles and conflicts of the rest of the empire, Farhold is independent and isolated at the very northern tip of the Moraine mountains. Nominally under the control of the High King, the city is practically independent. It has more in common with the northern Arrans of Sarzig than with the rest of the Dwarf empire, and its relations tend to reflect that. They deal with assaults from the Kayung somewhat regularly, helping to bolster their human allies against their incursions. Northern storms batter the hold, giving it a bleak and depressing atmosphere. Its residents make up for this with revelry and carousing, known for their rough and tumble variety of hospitality. Many of the Dwarves from Farhold sail on whaling vessels out of Sarzig.
The Iron Hills in the northern Badlands house one of the great Dwarven holds of old. Lost during the Dragon Wars, the settlement has been reclaimed and restored to its once mighty reputation. Inexhaustible veins of high quality iron run deep beneath the hills surrounding it, the earth scraped away to expose it. These mammoth mines dot the landscape around the city, canyons attended by armies of Dwarven miners and their escorts. Amid and under these hills wind the halls of Irondeep, the greatest hold outside the control of the High King. A labyrinth of tunnels and mines, the city is an organized chaos of structures in various states of restoration. The Dwarves here are haughty and arrogant, sure of their place in the world and their reason to be. Vengeance drives them, and they are bent on rebuilding the empire that once stretched down the World’s Spine. They fight the Orcs that surround them and trade with the humans in the Midlands. All of their wealth stems from their mines, producing the best quality iron and steel in the world. Weapons and armour are their speciality, providing them with an edge in combat against their longtime foes.
Originally a mine, Lowpass swelled to become a sizeable settlement with the discovery of gold there millenia ago. Collapsing during the Dragon Wars, it was reclaimed from Orcs a century before the crusades against them in the Midlands. The city sits underneath a spur of the Pessamits, offering a route beneath the mountain rather than the lengthy pass road that winds through. It has made its Holdking rich off of tolls for the trade caravans that pass through to Osse, which he uses to pay mercenaries to keep the roads surrounding the city safe. His mercenaries are known to extort bribes and other payments from travellers, earning the king even more disdain. Despite this, the roads remain safe, making the city and its king a necessary evil along the road to the Midlands.
Notable Personalities
High King Amit Pritipa, Lord of Kingsreach
For all the crises and hardships the Dwarf empire has gone through in the past few centuries, it has had the same steady hand guiding it. Amit Pritipa, the venerable old king, surveys his kingdom from his throne high in Kingsreach. And yet even this steady hand has begun to fail with age. Councillors and other sycophants crowd his chamber, each trying to cloud the old Dwarf’s judgement with their own thoughts and desires. The Holdkings grow bolder with every passing year, the High King’s power over them waning as nobles within the capital bicker and fight with each other for ever greater influence. Amit himself is a just and honourable king, and a great warrior in his youth. Age has enfeebled him, committing him to his throne. He must be carried by attendants who help the Dwarf into his bed. He sees petitioners rarely, instead leaving the task to his stewards. Many see the King as embattled, and seek to rid him of his poisonous councillors, yet none have been brave enough to do so yet. Amit has a long beard, grown unkempt as his health declines. His eyes are sunken, while his skin is sallow and frail. Nothing about him evokes the mighty Dwarf of his youth, instead calling forth little more than pity
Aurang, The Underking of Irondeep
Irondeep is built into the canyons and caves that wind through the Iron Hills. Its people are rebellious and passionate, united in their hatred of Orcs and a desire to restore their empire to its rightful place. Chief among them is Aurang, the Underking of Irondeep. Claimed as a direct descendant from Varukti himself, Aurang is the undisputed ruler of the hold, defying the patronage of the High King to rule independently. Much of his reign relies on keeping his people unified. Composed of various different political groups and cults, Irondeep is a mess of conflicting factions. With a common enemy, they cease to fight on another, and so Aurang keeps them on the warpath. An aggressive ruler, he truly embodies the spirit of Varukti, regularly holding great feasts and taking part in attacks against the Orcs that surround them. His beard is long and wild, braided with thick decorated iron bands. These same bands tie his hair, giving him a shaggy mane of sorts. He is hale and strong, with ferocious eyes and an enthusiastic grin.
Mamvadi, Holdking of Deeproot
Deeproot sits frustratingly close to the human realms of Routot, and especially the great trade city of Caulois. Separated by only a thin strip of forest, they might as well be on entirely different continents. The Wood Elves of the Kochi forest patrol their lands relentlessly, keeping the Dwarves from even coming near its borders in the region. Despite this, Mamvadi, Deeproot’s ruler, has been searching for some way to penetrate the barrier. His dreams have thus far been stymied at every turn, preventing his hold from connecting to the wider world beyond the mountains. Other Holdkings are reluctant to help the lonely city, seeing themselves in a strong position as intermediaries between the humans and Deeproot’s gems and silver. For his part, Mamvadi seems to be amassing his forces to try and defeat the Elves in a head on confrontation, hiring mercenaries and enlisting Dwarves from across the empire to come and join him. The Elves have apparently heard rumours of this plan, and their own forces seem to be massing in response. If ever another war were to occur between the two races, Deeproot would certainly be its flashpoint. Mamvadi is a middle-aged Dwarf, with big ambitions, eager to expand his holdings in whatever way possible. He has several silver teeth, and wears gaudy rings with large gemstones on them. He is somewhat portly, especially for his height, with a tightly trimmed beard.
Tarun, Holdking of Highclear
Highclear has had a long history of relations with the humans, situated close to the western regions of the country. While few enter the city itself, the docks that cluster around the shores of lake Moraine boast plenty of human traders, housing a market of makeshift stalls outside the gates for Dwarves to shop through. Human diplomats pay homage to the Holdking, Tarun, who in turn grants them special privileges and allows certain traders exclusive access to the interior markets of the city. These traders come bearing plenty of gifts and tribute for the holdking, treating him as a great and wise ruler. Tarun has taken many of these flattering comments to heart, a lifetime of false platitudes and honours forming into a very real opinion of himself. He has come to expect the very best of these diplomats, easily swayed by gifts and honeyed words. He especially loves expensive gemstones and gold, earning him the nickname of the Copper King. His subjects generally suffer from his favouritism, forced to play the same type of games to win influence with their king. Tarun is surprisingly tall for a Dwarf, earning rumours that he has human ancestry mixed into his bloodline. He is somewhat fair, with paler skin than many Dwarves. A short beard and tight mouth are his dominant features, with a slightly bulbous nose peering out from above them. He is thin, draping himself in multiple cloaks that make him look much sturdier.
Lakshan, Holdking of Lowpass
Lowpass is a much hated stop on the trip over the Pessamits, sitting as an almost unavoidable obstacle between Caulois and Osse. Fines, bribes and extortion are all rampant along the road beneath the mountain, its inspectors demanding duty on most goods moving through the corridor. All of this helps to prop up the reign of Holdking Lakshan, the ruler of the city and its surrounding highway. A greedy Dwarf, Lakshan does little to inhibit his men from enacting their whims on passing travellers, confiscating goods and demanding bribes at every turn. In exchange for the robbery, he pays soldiers to patrol the road. Both his own Dwarves and mercenaries are in his employ, patrolling and safeguarding the pass. Neither is much better than the other when it comes to extorting their own bribes on passing caravans, the transactions normalized as the traffic through the city grows ever busier. Lakshan likes this state of affairs, provided he continues to make as much money as possible off of the arrangement. He is an average Dwarf, with few distinguishing features to set him apart. Known for his temper, he is known to beat his subordinates when enraged, a state which happens all too often. His guards are often accomplices, lest they be the targets of the blows themselves.
Raghu, Hathaura of Kartir
The Hathaura, or Swords, of Kartir are an elite military order spread across the Dwarf empire. They serve as a religious cult for the Dwarven god of battle and strategy, and also as shock troops for the Dwarven army when it marches to war. With chapters in most Dwarf settlements, they are renowned fighters whose ranks include some of the finest warriors Dwarf lore has to offer. Its head is Raghu, a young and shining example of what the Hathaura should represent; a supreme and exemplary soldier. Foolhardy and headstrong, he nonetheless takes his duty extremely seriously and has the respect of many Dwarves. As head of the Hathaura, he is also the chief guard for the High King. In this role he has somewhat faltered, allowing traitorous councillors to come near his charge. Raghu is conflicted on this, on the one hand eager to protect his king from all threats, while on the other loathe to overstep his duty as a guardian. Some within Kingsreach have begun to enlist him to their cause of removing those damaging members of the High Kings court, a prospect which pushes him further and further into anxiety. Raghu is tall and broad, coated almost entirely in his decorative and shining plate armour. His features are proud, and a beard hangs down to his chest with decorative silver bands braiding it.
Jalali, Radical of Sadruma
Sadruma’s followers, though they preach mercy and poverty, are responsible for some of the most militant radicals among the various Dwarven cults. Jalali is perhaps the most infamous of these, known for her attempt to assassinate the Holdking of Highclear nearly fifty years ago. Her and her followers failed in their attack, and she fled into exile to avoid prosecution. Since then, she has travelled in disguise alongside followers of Sarana in Arran, working to dispense their mercy and also spread her activism among the poor. Dwarf agents of the High King, and especially those from Highclear, are all aware of the sizeable bounty still placed on her head. To this end, Jalali is often forced to flee from her pursuers, though she has remained mostly within their grasp in Arran, frustrating those who have failed to capture her. Jalali is a short Dwarf with long black hair, tied into a single braid. Her brow is wrinkled, years of stress weighing down on her heavily. Her gaze is stern and determined, yet softens when dealing with her patients.