Snowcap is a relatively small hold, just barely considered a great hold. When compared to some of the larger ones in the Pessamits, its importance is even further diminished. Nonetheless, the Dwarves here do plenty of trade with the Arrans, especially into Homfe. The river road that runs down into the flatlands is lined by small Snowcap strongholds, keeping it safe and clear from monsters and bandits. Due to this, it is one of the preferred routes for merchants to take, drawing plenty of traders away from the bigger holds. Snowcap is known for the hardiness of its inhabitants, built into the tallest mountain in the Pessamits. Surrounded by snow all year round, they dress in furs and take plenty of pride in their resistance to the cold.

Snowcap itself is a fairly boring hold. Its rulers have rarely made any impact or waves at the empire level, too small to enact much change or influence. It spends most of its energy trying to increase its own grasp on trade from Arran. The road to the hold is long, winding its way up through the mountains to the absolute peak of the range. As such, it is made as attractive as possible, with Snowcap occupying and garrisoning a series of small fortifications along its length. These function as coaching inns as well, providing refuge and security for those traders who do risk the route. Envoys from the hold reside in the court of Duke Anselm, enjoying his hospitality and encouraging his embracing of the hold as a larger partner.
As rugged as Snowcap is, its people have embraced their wilderness with open arms. Surviving as high as they are in the mountains has been no easy task, moulding them into a more rugged form of Dwarf than average. Hunting and foraging play a major role in Snowcap's diet, forcing them across the Pessamits and far from the safety of home. As such, it's common for these parties to come under threat, either from harpies, some other monster, or even their environment itself. All of this makes them excellent soldiers in small skirmishes, well equipped and experienced in working alongside small bands. Their ability and tendency to laugh at the worst discomfort makes them slightly unnerving, even to other Dwarves, with absolutely no fear of their mountainous homes. These rangers from Snowcap bear a signature type of blade, used both in combat or in camp as a tool. Some of these adventurers even take to mountain climbing for fun, venturing far and wide across the Pessamits and beyond to conquer the highest peaks.
Pande, Holdking of Snowcap
Snowcap is a somewhat smaller and unimportant hold, known only for some notable figures than any sort of collective greatness. Nonetheless, it is still a great hold among the remaining Dwarf cities, and has a place in the High King’s court as a result. Its chieftains have often been of the more adventurous sort, fitting into the ideal of the Nasiri that the hold is known for. Its current Holdking, Pande, is no different. A reckless and outgoing man, he has little energy for the rigours of ruling, instead preferring to explore and travel the mountains. In his youth he was known as a great warrior and adventurer, but has since been saddled with responsibility and unable to continue his journeys. This change has dragged him into a depression of sorts, lifted only by the occasional journey beyond the hold, or in meeting other adventurers. Nonetheless, he does his duty, albeit with a petulant annoyance, and sincerely desires the best for his people. Pande is short, with black hair and a massive, bushy beard. His endurance was legendary in his youth, and he still trains regularly to maintain it, making him very fit and strong even still.
Bahadur Kunwar, Nasiri Hero
The Nasiri are known for their legendary bravery and courage, seemingly facing death and other perilous circumstances with indifference. Considered the pride of the hold, their numbers have included some mythical heroes from the Dragon Wars all the way to the modern day. One of the most well-known is Bahadur Kunwar, known for killing a great Harpy Queen in times past. Known as the Hagraven, she had amassed a large host of harpies under her leadership, plaguing Snowcap and the surrounding mountain settlements with ever greater attacks and raids. The daughter of the Holdking was captured during one of these raids, and finally the hold had had enough. Bahadur led the force that was tasked with rescuing the princess, climbing up to the craggy peak where the Hagraven made her lair. The force was harassed during their entire climb by harpies, until finally only Bahadur and some others made it to the top. After a long and bloody fight, Bahadur was the only one to return, carrying the princess and the head of the Hagraven as a trophy. His tenacity and skills are still held up as an example of what the Nasiri aspire to.
Susmita, Hermit of Gana
As the highest peak of the Pessamits, Snowcap is also one of the most isolated and distant Dwarf holds. While most holds are situated deep within mountain roots, it exists on the slopes and surface caverns of the mountain itself, open to the fresh and crisp mountain air. This makes it ideal for the followers of Gana, the guru of silent meditation, who prefer the open and windy places of the world. Several temples to the deity exist throughout the city, while monasteries dedicated to her ring the mountaintops in its surroundings. People pray to her to hope for clear weather and protection, placing offerings at her shrines or leaving gifts for the hermit monks at their places of seclusion. One of these such hermits is Susmita, a lone Dwarf who lives across the valley from Snowcap itself. She is utterly devoted to her goddess, spending nearly all of her time in a state of deep meditation. Her followers look to her needs, providing her with a simple diet and keeping travellers and other curious folk away. Annually she breaks her vow of silence, uttering a single word from her contemplations. These are said to be inspired by Gana herself, and are interpreted and discussed at length by her attendants. Susmitais a middle aged Dwarf, made to look all the more ancient by her poor diet and lack of movement. As she wastes away in her cave, it is believed she grows ever nearer to the attunement Gana sought, and her legend as a true adherent of the guru grows.