The Midlands


Deeproot sits in the far east of the Pessamit range, bordering the southern part of the Kochi forest. The river Tarses gets its head here, rushing down through the forest towards the sea. The hold's proximity to the Elves saw it fall victim to raids and assaults in the years after the Dragon Wars, which still live fresh in the minds of many. The hold occupies a deep crevice in the earth, splitting the roots of the mountain open to the sky. Tunnels and ledges host homes and buildings, while mines in the deep provide much of their wealth. Led by Mamvadi, an ambitious Holdking, they seem on the verge of outright war with the Elves, seeking to expand into the forest and trade with the Routot.


Deeproot has, especially in recent centuries, been one of the success stories of the tattered Dwarf empire. Greatly diminished after the Dragon Wars, they saw dramatic conflict with the Elves, who were set on wiping the hold from history. Able to cling to life, Deeproot remained standing. They carry the memory of this period through the generations, nursing a hatred for Elves that few other Dwarves can match. Seeking revenge against them has long been in the minds of the populace, and it seems this ultimate goal is finally coming to fruition. Hordes of mercenaries and Dwarves from other holds have been invited to Deeproot in recent years, in an attempt to seemingly chase the Elves from the forests. The Holdking Mamvadi seeks to draw a line down the Tarses river, forrifying it to try and build a trade route with the Routot. The plan is ambitious, and would allow Mamvadi access to the vast wealth of that confederacy, something no other hold can truly.

Standing in his way, however is the rest of the empire. Few Dwarf Kings are in a strong enough position to outright declare a war with the Elves. The High King, as fragile as he is, has yet to give his blessing for the endeavour, and is unlikely to do so; his owm actions decided by his son, who has no intention of inheriting such a damaging war. And so Mamvadi is left with those bordering the Kochi, of whom none can be swayed. The Dwarves of Greypeak are insular and distrustful, while Snowcap is small enough to be inconsequential. And yet Mamvadi seeks to go ahead with his plan, drafting human warriors into his scheme. While the campaign is far from ready, it seems only a matter of time, the hold whipping itself into a frenzy for the blood of the Elves.



The hold of Deeproot is protected by a cadre of warriors known as the Deepwatchers. Ranging far beyond Deeproot itself, they patrol the surrounding mountain passes and valleys, sentinels against inevitable Elf incursions into their territory. The Deepwatchers hold a burning hatred for the Wood Elves in the Kochi, the flame grown from an ember through years of conflict and generations of mourning the past. They patrol in bands, clashing with their foes in skirmishes on the border between the two. Aside from Elves, they also keep other threats at bay, such as harpies or other monsters. More recently, they have begun making their own forays into the Kochi, testing Elf responses and bringing the fight to them. This seems to be a preliminary part of Mamvadi's campaign, and the Watchers have seen reasonable success so far.



Mamvadi, Holdking

Deeproot sits frustratingly close to the human realms of Routot, and especially the great trade city of Caulois. Separated by only a thin strip of forest, they might as well be on entirely different continents. The Wood Elves of the Kochi forest patrol their lands relentlessly, keeping the Dwarves from even coming near its borders in the region. Despite this, Mamvadi, Deeproot’s ruler, has been searching for some way to penetrate the barrier. His dreams have thus far been stymied at every turn, preventing his hold from connecting to the wider world beyond the mountains. Other Holdkings are reluctant to help the lonely city, seeing themselves in a strong position as intermediaries between the humans and Deeproot’s gems and silver. For his part, Mamvadi seems to be amassing his forces to try and defeat the Elves in a head on confrontation, hiring mercenaries and enlisting Dwarves from across the empire to come and join him. The Elves have apparently heard rumours of this plan, and their own forces seem to be massing in response. If ever another war were to occur between the two races, Deeproot would certainly be its flashpoint. Mamvadi is a middle-aged Dwarf, with big ambitions, eager to expand his holdings in whatever way possible. He has several silver teeth, and wears gaudy rings with large gemstones on them. He is somewhat portly, especially for his height, with a tightly trimmed beard.

Samir, Deepwatcher Captain

The Deepwatch is an old group, traditionally the barrier between the hold and its enemies. Known for its stoic characters, most of the veterans among its ranks are old and battle hardened, content to patrol and defend. And yet its members still include plenty of impetuous young Dwarves eager to carry the fight to the enemy. The latter have begun making more a mark as they grow in number, the youth of Deeproot infected by the growing frenzy for bloodshed in the Kochi. Samiris one of these unruly youth, risen to prominence through his sheer motivation to fight the Elves. His captaincy has been marred by warmongering and ruthlessness, leading his troops into the forest without fear to confront his hated foes. He carries a belt of Elf topknots, claimed from his victims, while others in his troop have their own grisly trophies. He stands at the vanguard of Mamvadi's campaign, a model of the warriors needed to carry the hold to victory. Samiris average height and strong, standing sturdy and hale. He has fair hair and blue eyes, unusual among the Dwarves, believed by his soldiers to mark him for greatness. Samiris arrogant and proud, caring little for the opinions of others.