The Midlands

Halfling Religions

Halfling religion is a facsimile of human ones, with an extended family of deities serving as its pantheon. Rather than humans, however, Halflings do not worship their gods. Instead, their gods serve as representing aspects of an ideal halfling, each broken and fragmented to be the pinnacle of whatever aspect that may be. They each govern a specific role in Halfling society, and together create the world as a whole. None of them is infallible, each having flaws to represent what happens when you stray too far towards one extreme or the other. They are chiefly represented in Muselle, though they do exist in the Nimpo Marshes as well.


Halfling religion is very similar to human ones, consisting of multiple deities sitting in a pantheon. These gods are responsible for their own domains, representing an aspect of the world around Halfling society. They differ from the humans, though, in that they are not truly worshipped but instead looked to as examples. Halflings consider the gods to be a single extended family, linked through bonds of kinship like their own communities are. There is no real clergy or cult for any of the gods, instead their influence is more cultural than spiritual, looked to as an example for how each role of society should function and providing inspiration and guidance in their daily lives.


The main deity among Halfling gods, she is the protector of hearth and home. Depicted as a fierce warrior, her honesty and courage are the pinnacle of halfling ideals. Aside from this, she also protects family and tradition. She is usually depicted as stout and stands shorter than even most halflings, with red hair and a stern look on her face. She is married to Aeran, though the two often oppose each other philosophically. Her symbol is a sheaf of wheat.


Halfling god of trickery and deceit. He is depicted as a roguish cad, always quick with a scheme or other plan. At his best, he represents luck and and quick wit, while at his worst he encourages thievery and lies. He typically plays the antagonist in Halfling folklore, opposing heroes for his own gain. He is depicted as a Halfling with a cocky grin, lanky and tall for a Halfling. He has gained a following outside Halflings as a patron of the underworld in general, especially favoured by gamblers of all races. His symbol is a pair of crossed fingers or a coin.


Halfling goddess of fertility and nature. She is depicted as a pretty halfling girl, with a crown of wildflowers on her head. She is a staple in most Halfling homes, governing love and bountiful harvests. Rituals in her name are undertaken around spring and harvest time, usually accompanied by festivals and celebrations. She is the daughter of Higme. Her symbol is a rabbit, with a rabbit’s foot a typical charm carried by her followers.


Halfling god of death and the underworld. Despite his domain he is generally seen as friendly, a respected guardian of souls and the dead. An avid gardener, he tends to the gardens that his sister plants. He is depicted as a somewhat sullen and serious Halfling, with dark hair and wearing a wide brimmed hat. He is Shella’s brother and the son of Higme and Aeran. His symbol is a mouse.