Goblins are perhaps the most ubiquitous monstrous creature on the continent, present in seemingly every corner of the world. They are small and mischievous creatures, if not outright cruel, working to steal and hurt as often as they can. They live in warbands, tucking themselves away far from prying eyes. Here, in the deep woods and caves of the world, their numbers can grow unchecked. Occasionally, these groups spill from their hiding places, rampaging across the countryside until killed or driven away.
Goblins have seemingly been in the world since its creation, or at least there is no marker to denote when they first appeared. They are little more than animals, creating a society barely held together by constant infighting and a lack of ambition. They have raided and plagued most settlements and countries on the continent, especially in the lowlands of Arran and Routot. Gathering in woodlands and caves, they have made especially large forays into the world at large. These events usually occur when a particularly smart or powerful goblin manages to rally a large enough warband behind him. The largest of these assaults was one several centuries ago against Vanne, which laid waste to a huge stretch of the northern Routot kingdoms. Others more recently have attacked Osse in the Midlands and Homfe in the Midlands, the latter causing significant devastation to that surprised agricultural realm.

Goblins are small, standing no more than 3 feet tall at their peak. Most are shorter than that, having bowed and crooked limbs and backs. Large heads perch precariously atop their gangly bodies, dominated by a toothy mouth. Green or yellow skin is common, depending upon its environment and diet. They wear scraps of clothing stolen from human or other settlements, or alternately bits of fur and hide. Their weapons, tools and architecture are all primitive and crude, owing to their limited capacity for intelligent thought.
Notable Figures
Gashnag, the Moon King
A historical figure of sorts, Gishnag led a horde of Goblins against the unsuspecting Routot near Cars. Pushing south, the self-proclaimed Moon King’s forces were able to sweep away most resistance they faced. Pressing up against the walls of the city itself, they nearly overwhelmed the beleaguered defenders, overcome only by the combined might of a Routot relief force. His forces swept away, the Moon’s King fled back to his mountain home, where he would continue to harass northern Routot settlements for years. His followers, or what passes for that among goblins, have unusually clung to his legacy. They craft crescent moon decorations for their camps and decorate themselves with its image. Led by particularly organized goblin chiefs, they continue to strike out at the Routot, looking for the moment when they can avenge their fallen hero.
Styx, Master Assassin
In the Midlands, anyone can find glory and fame, provided they have the willpower and ability to acquire it. It stands as no different for a goblin. Some make a name for themselves as bandits, born with the rare gift of leadership and a brain to wield it. Others prefer to hide in the shadows, surviving for years in the alleyways of the regions larger cities. Styx is one of the latter, a rogue who understands the ebb and flow of urban life. Gifted with self-control and an eye for detail, both unheard of in goblins, he has carved out a niche as an assassin in the chaotic and dangerous Midlands. Unassuming and quiet, he is talented and driven in his work, operating primarily in the Middle Princes. Those who wish to contact him find it difficult, and he works through a series of other rogues to give himself some legitimacy and security. Nonetheless, as far as assassins in the Middle Princes go, and there are many, Styx is among the best there is.