Beastmen lurk in the forests of the world, primarily in the thick and ancient woods of the Obertal. Here, they emerge in bands, tearing their way across the countryside in what amounts to little more than a rampage. They seem to have few ulterior motives to the destruction of mortal society as a whole. They feature elements of various woodland animals, with horns and hooves the most common threads connecting them. They are very well-known and rightly feared in the Arran Duchy of Tauche, where they have long been the bane of its Dukes. The current Duke resides for much of the year within the forest, cutting off the threat before it an emerge and threaten his people. While similar to Gnolls, Beastmen differ in their lack of intelligence. While Gnolls plan and hunt with purpose, Beastmen are comparatively much more savage and motivated by bloodlust.
The Beastmen began emerging from the forest shortly after the Aetherbreach, with the magical explosion seeming to have some impact on their creation. Scholars theorize there is some tear deep within the woods that is giving them life, mutating the natural fauna of the woods into the monstrous creatures of the Beastmen. Whatever the case may be, they have been a threat now for centuries, plaguing the world at large, but especially southwestern Arran, where they roam with relative impunity. Several great warlords among them have led unusually large hosts, with each being rebuked by some combined force from the embattled Kingdom of Arran. Despite losing much of their number, the raids hardly seem to cease, to the frustration of many defenders. Yet no attempts to stem the tide at its source have ever met with success, the thick woods impeding any proper assault towards their heart. Attempts have been made to log the forest itself, robbing the Beastmen of their home. These have not gone far, however, with the foresters often driven off.

Beastmen are a combination of various animal aspects, sporting elements of nearly every sort of woodland creature among them. Deer and goats are the most common, with curved horns and antlers sprouting from most Beastmen. Shaggy fur or hide covers the legs and torsos of most, while some boast skin or patches of both. They are humanoid in shape, bipedal and with two arms. They wear bits of cloth or scavenged armour, occasionally nailed directly into their skin. Scarification and tattoos of various symbols across their bodies are also very common, with nearly all of them boasting some form of body markings. They favour axes and other brute force weaponry, unsuited to more finesse and technique based weapons. Where they receive the cruel looking and barbaric weapons in the first place is unknown.
Notable Figures
The Shadow
Somewhat of a rarity, the Shadow has not truly been encountered by any of those who defend against the Beastmen. Instead, he can be found lurking on the fringes of the forest, simply observing the attacks as they happen. Those victorious against the raids will spot him standing ominously, but disappearing before being able to engage. Those few who have gotten close to him, or have met his gaze for too long, speak of a deep hatred that emanates from the figure. Hulking and dark, the Shadow boasts horns and the body of a bipedal deer. He carries a staff of some sort, and seems to be directing the Beastmen under his gaze. He has been spotted for centuries, though none are sure if every sighting is even the same creature. Whatever the case, many feel that he holds some sway over the Beastmen attacks and might even hold the key to ending them for good.
Perhaps the best known of the Beastmen warlords, Gorehoof earned his name through savagery and abundant destruction. A century ago, he led a host that tore through southern Arran, besieging Werben and even reaching almost to the March. He bested several great and legendary knights in combat, seemingly unbeatable by any mortal man. It took a relief force of Dwarves to free Werben of his siege, during which he was finally killed as the city’s gates were stormed. Free of his leadership, and their advance stopped, his host dissolved, fleeing off into the far reaches of the country or returning to the Obertal. In this way his legacy still lives on, having created new pockets of Beastmen to threaten other fronts across the region. Gorehoof was an immensely powerful warrior, boasting a wooden shield and a rusty steel axe. Plates were bolted to his skin, crusted in blood and etched with the mysterious symbols of the Beastmen. His horns were elaborate and terrifying, twisted and magnificent as they reached far above his skull. He mounted the skulls of his enemies on their tines, a mobile trophy rack that mocked their efforts to stop him.