Maugard is a city at the fork of the Sorre and Mag rivers, in the centre of the Midlands. The rivers protect its flanks, with a stone and wood palisade lining the banks. The city is well fortified, but its strength lies in the charisma and leadership of its ruler, the Druzhina Goroyev Bokha. Maugard is notable for its large population of Noreya, who dominate city-life and much else within the city. The Fiery Bokha, as he’s known, is the Noreya prince of the city, and has helped it to grow into a power in the region. The city maintains river trade with Kotor on the sea, and with Reis upriver. Some trade is even had with the Dwarves in the Pessamits, though their goods usually move through Reis. The city has two parts, broken into the castle and town. Maugard has become the centre for a Noreyan nationalist movement, attracting settlers from across the continent to come and rebuild their once great society. This has largely allowed it to prosper more than its immediate neighbours in the Midlands, helping to secure it even more against potential incursion.
Like most Middle Prince holdings, Maugard is in a precarious spot. Torn between many rivals, of varying size and power, it seems beset on all sides by enemies. And yet, it has persevered through two generations of rulers, something very few upstart realms can manage. Druzhina Goroyev Bokha holds sway over the city, taking the reins from his father Feydaj upon his death defending his conquests. Since that time, Goroyev has fought off numerous incursions, and even expanded his lands, conquering several smaller towns nearby to form an actual petty kingdom as opposed to a single city-state. His success has not gone unnoticed among the Noreyan population, encouraging many and inspiring nationalists from across the continent to flock to his banner. He is supported by the official clergy of the old Noreyan gods, granting their blessing from Vanne and establishing branches of the cults in the city. This is where most internal strife within Maugard comes from, the rivalry between Ogne and Rannva’s followers playing out in the court of the Druzhina. In Maugard, the Ice Hags of Rannva have gained the upper hand, displacing Ogne’s Watchers who were a favourite of Feydaj. Shoika, the highest ranking priestess in the city, especially has the ear of the Druzhina, working to suppress the followers of the fire god within the city.
The castle of Maugard is far from an actual castle. It is in fact simply a walled urban centre, home to the oldest of the city’s structures and districts. The walls are made of great stone foundations, slabs that have been in place since before the Orcish settlement in the Midlands. These slabs have been fortified with a wooden palisade, the sharpened tips presenting an imposing figure to outsiders. The palisade is lined with a walk, and several guards make their rounds at all times of day. Breaking up the wall are multiple watchtowers, squat square wooden structures that face across the rivers. Two of these flank either side of the gates into the city, protecting the bridges and entrance into the castle. The court and home of Druzhina Goroyev Bokha is in the southwestern corner of the city, fortified even further than the rest of the castle. The small citadel is reinforced with brick, and sparsely decorated. A series of gargoyles are the only adornments, representing old Noreyan spirits of legend, protecting the citadel with their influence.
Located near to the Druzhina’s palace is Frosthome, the palatial refuge of the Ice Hags. It is a great structure of magically preserved snow and frost, with spires glistening in the sun. Acting as a manor home of sorts, it hosts any guests of the cult, as well as what passes for services among its followers. Primarily, it is used as a home for the clergy of Rannva, allowing them a place to privately meet and conspire how to fulfil the goals of their cult in the region. Chief among the Ice Hags is Shoika, an immensely powerful and charismatic courtier of the Druzhina. Through hers and others magic the Frosthome is held together, the assembled priestesses devoting ritual and energy to maintain their manor.
Temple of Ogne
The Temple of Ognesits in the centre of the city, a great open air square that also serves as a gathering place. With the conquest of Maugard by Goroyev’s father Feydaj, the temple was built to serve as the city’s main gathering point, under the gaze of the greatest of the Noreyan gods. Since his death, however, Goroyev has turned away from the chief deity, preferring instead the spiritual worship of the Ice Witches. This lack of patronage has diminished the importance of the cult in the city, and what was once a sacred meeting place has now become little more than a market square. Despite all of this, the large cauldron of Ogne’s eternal flame still dominates the area, looked after by its caretakers The Watchers.
Poorfellows District
On the east side of the city, tucked inside the castle walls that line the Mag river, is the district of Poorfellows. Here, the old urban streets become cramped and even more entwined, becoming little more than alleys and the narrowest of passageways. Squatters and beggars live in the streets, while thugs and other criminals lurk in its nooks and courtyards. The district is the last remnant of the previous version of the city, a mess of crime and petty thievery before the Bokhas conquered it. The Druzhina has done his best to clean up city, and have succeeded everywhere but in the Poorfellows. A large part of this can be blamed on the fact that most of its occupants are humans, and ones mistrustful of a Noreyan liege. Attempts to remove them from the city have been met with violence, and so to keep the peace the Bokha has settled for a campaign of replacement. Merchants and wealthy craftsmen are offered cheaper taxes to live in or bordering the district, eroding at its borders and slowly gentrifying the neighbourhood. While slow going, it is beginning to prove successful, and now a thin strip of district still retains any of that truly despicable character. Rumour has it a final push will soon be made to rout the remaining poor beyond the castle walls, but no move has been made to openly show it.

Druzhina Goroyev Bokha, The Fiery Bokha
The Fiery Bokha, as he is known, was raised on tales on the glory of Noreya’s past. His father Feydaj took Maugard with a contingent of Noreyan nationalists, who sought out a place they could rebuild to capture a fraction of that glory once more. Feydaj died defending these lands, and his mantle was taken up by his son. Goroyev stood firm in the face of his enemies, and managed to hold his budding realm against the threats they faced. Since those early days, Goroyev has taken his father’s dream farther than could ever be imagined. The city is prosperous, and dominated by the Noreya cultural revival. Goroyev claims the ancient title of Druzhina, reserved for Noreya royalty, and seeks to embody their ideals once more. The old Noreya gods hold sway in his realm, transplanted from their frozen homes and spreading their worship abroad. Goroyev himself is a high-spirited ruler, full of passion and emotion for his city and people. A strong man, he takes immense pride in his quest to restore the Noreya empire. He has tremendous disdain for Noreya who bow to demonic forces, blaming them for the loss of their heritage in the first place.

Shoika, Ice Witch of Rannva
Shoika is the most powerful Ice Witch outside of the north; an agent of the cult of Rannva and their most respected member in the Midlands. While she is in communication with the Witches in Vanne, she has virtual autonomy in ensuring the goals they all share are realized. She is a permanent fixture in the court of Goroyev Bokha, and has considerable influence over the fiery Druzhina. Despite the resistance of the other cults, the Ice Witches consider themselves the most integral piece of a Noreyan restoration movement, and Shoika has worked hard to maintain a tight grip over the Druzhina and his court. Her charisma and power have granted the Ice Witches special considerations in the city, which they use to sculpt Noreyan society how they wish it to be remade. Her followers act as enforcers for these goals, and command immense authority and respect in the realm. Her home in Maugard is a veritable ice palace, a refuge for her and her fellow Ice Witches. Known as the Frosthome, it is built and maintained by their combined magic. Blocks of ice are preserved through magic, and temperatures inside drop dramatically. This doesn’t seem to bother the Witches, but any visitors to the palace can expect a chilly reception. Shoika’s skin is a pale blue with eyes the colour of fallen snow. She is exceptionally beautiful, dressing in fashionable furs and skins. Despite her beauty, there is an otherworldly air surrounding her, and many in her presence often feel uncomfortable.
Ydezh, Watcher of Ogne
Ydezh is the chief priest of Ogne, the old Noreyan god of Fire. Ydezh’s position in the city is precarious. On one hand, Ogne was the most powerful of the old Tiefling Gods, a force of nature represented in the sun and fire, who gave and sustained life for the tribes living in their frozen home. On the other, it was largely his cult who sought out greater magic, believing demons appearing in the fire to be his avatars and manifestations. As such, Ogne’s worship is much reduced in the modern age, mistrusted by many. Despite this, the god has survived through the centuries and millennia, and has seen a revival alongside the rest of his pantheon. Ogne is worshipped in his traditional role as the strongest of the Noreyan deities, uncorrupted and strong in this role. Ydezh is his Watcher in Maugard, the chief of the cult in the region and protector of the sacred flame. Despite what should be a role of honour, Ydezh has faced political slander and outrage in his role as advisor to the court, primarily from Shoika, head of the Ice Hags. Her cult blames Ogne for the fall of the old empire, and has convinced many in Maugard that the new cult works towards that aim as well. While the Watchers of Ogne served his father Feydaj, Goroyev has put much more faith in his Ice Hag courtier, ignoring the advice of the cult of flame. Ydezh is a short and stocky Noreya, with pale grey skin and purple eyes. His hair is black, with small horns protruding just above his temples. He wears the typical robes of his order, white with flames embroidered on the hems.
Vladimir Synyuliana, Crime Lord
Vladimir is a Noreyan crime lord who took up residence in the city some time ago. He made a name for himself with his relatively brutal suppression of rivals, and quickly took control of most racketeering in the city. His outfit is responsible for much of the organized crime in Maugard and its surroundings, and he himself is quite wealthy. Despite his violent tendencies and occasional murder spree, he has always managed to avoid capture by the city watch. This is owed to a secret agreement he has with the Druzhina. Vladimir is, aside from a criminal, also one of the best spy assets that the Druzhina can muster. Vladimir uses his network of criminals to funnel information to the court of Goroyev Bokha, informing him of rebellions and any other information he can. In exchange for this, the Druzhina keeps Vladimir shielded from the majority of law enforcement. The agreement has served both sides well, and they are both careful to keep to their side of the bargain. Vladimir is a middle-aged Noreya, with purple skin and red eyes. He has a roguish smile and wears extravagant and sometimes gaudy clothing. He is often polite and friendly, but he can shift to anger in a moment. This mercurial nature is a large part of the fear that surrounds him.