Knightly Orders
An aspect of Arran culture that is relatively unique to them is the existence of knightly orders. These groups are not necessarily religious orders, as exist in other realms, but instead are more political affiliation of brotherhood and fraternity. Linked through some common goal, they live in close proximity (typically in a monastery or keep) and train together. They are often patronized by some important or influential noble, typically using them for some shared purpose or goal. The knightly orders are immensely popular among the youth in the Kingdom, attracting noble boys from a very young age to join their ranks. Open almost exclusively to nobility, there are a notable few that accept commoners into their numbers. The amount of orders within Arran is enormous. Some count no more than a handful of knights as members, while others operate sprawling networks of keeps and supporters. They tend to have some unique accoutrement, typically tying into their name, that sets them apart from other orders.
List of Orders
Order of the Silver Hand
The militant arm of Koraldur’s cult, the Order of the Silver Hand is a highly capable knightly order. Made up largely of aristocrats from Arran and Premyslid, the group also attracts the attentions of particularly devout commoners, who serve as attendants and other support staff. All of these are welcomed within the orders ranks, training paladins and knights to enforce and protect Koraldur’s dogma and shrines. The group is clustered in abbeys and other order houses scattered across the landscape, with a few notable strongholds in northeastern Arran. The order was at the forefront of the crusades in the Midlands, and has kept a significant presence in the area to defend its holdings. Aside from being a dominant religious order, they also act as a powerful political faction, helping to exert influence over nobles wherever they operate.

Order of the Axemen
An unusual knightly order, the Axemen are based in Tauche and the area surrounding the Obertal. They are not strictly a religious order, though many do ascribe themselves to the cult of Teutan, having co-opted some of that faiths rituals in their own initiation rites. Created to protect and safeguard people from the threats within the forest itself, they ride and patrol through the woods, often the best and only defence the villages and hamlets there can hope for. The knights themselves maintain retinues of archers and other scouts, bolstering their own numbers with experienced woodsmen and trackers. They adorn their armour with accents from the forest; antlers, furs and horns especially common. Axes are a common weapon among them, giving them their name. Duke Herdan is a member and chief patron of their order, leading their forays as often as possible.
Knights of the Goat's Horn
An order of knights from the agricultural region in southeastern Arran, the Knight’s of the Goat’s Horn is a smaller group of warriors. Their chapter house sits in Homfe, a stately manor near the Duke’s keep. Generally, the Goat’s Horn is made up of wealthy knights, existing more as a status symbol than any sort of actual military force. Its members are well-connected noblemen, providing a means for them to connect and strengthen ties across the region. Duke Anselm is a member, and his son is currently the master of the order. Despite its existence as a knightly order, most of its members are far more concerned with carousing and hosting feasts at the group’s manor. It has been called upon by the Duke in the past, and participated mildly in the crusades against the Orcs. The initiation rites of the order are rumoured to be more dangerous than the group lets on.

Order of the Poor-Fellows
The Order of the poor-Fellows, or Beggar Knights as they are more commonly known, are a group of wandering knights. They generally worship Sarana or Hallenia, though Koraldur is also the chosen deity of some. Beggar knights roam the countryside of Arran, and beyond, dispensing justice and assisting those in need. They rely largely on the generosity of strangers, having taken a vow of poverty during the course of their wanderings. Commoners view the Poor-Fellows as heroes, and folklore surrounds some of their most notable members. Among other knights and nobility, however, they are a source of disdain. Many look down on the way they live amongst commoners, and fear the influence they spread in communities they visit. Nonetheless, the Order attracts members relatively easily, with many drawn to the romantic ideas of traveling heroism. They have chapter houses in major cities across Arran, little more than small boarding houses for the weary knights to rest on their journeys. They can be easily spotted by the wooden bowl that hangs from their belt, a sign of their order.
Knights of the Garland
Founded long ago, the Garland Knights are one of the original knightly orders in Arran. They form an elite cadre of bodyguards around the Arran kings, having protected them for centuries. They base themselves out of Werben, and travel alongside the King wherever he goes. They are relatively small, consisting only of a few dozen elite warriors. In battle, they form a retinue commanded by the King himself, and only take to the field at his direct request. Its members are knights who have otherwise proved themselves in battle, invited by the order to join their ranks. They wear black armour trimmed in gold, often using Dwarven steelcraft. Roses are inscribed into the enamel, a common symbol among the order.
Knights of the Blood
The cult of Sarana operates sanctuaries and hospitals across Arran and beyond. These houses care for the sick and destitute, yet are often the target of theft or worse from unscrupulous people. The Knights of the Blood were created to help protect Sarana’s clergy as they go about their tasks. They are an ubiquitous sight at most of Sarana’s temples and outposts, stoic and compassionate figures assisting in whatever way they can. They typically wear white armour, with red accents throughout. Most use a shield alongside their typical weapon, emphasizing their role as protectors. The order is sworn to pacifism unless their charges are threatened, and as such does not often take to the field.
Order of the Eternal Flame
Sworn to Hallenia, the Arran goddess of justice and fire, the Order of the Eternal Flame is a devout and stern order. They seek out wisdom and truth, and fulfil a role as arbitrators for commoners across the realm. Their dedication to wisdom and justice sees them as sought out judges, and many travel the countryside dispensing justice to rural towns. They are not an official legal body, merely offering advice on how to resolve a situation, though few would dare to go against the judgement of one of Hallenia’s knights. The order uses flames as its symbol, fitting for followers of a fire goddess, and use it as a motif across their armour and heraldry. They have an inclination against magicians, and employ methods similar to Segom’s followers in removing them from peasant communities. This attitude varies wildly across the order, however, with only the more zealous members actively seeking them out.

Knights of the Battered Oak
During the wars in the border March, Dessen has been besieged many times. The greatest of these assaults came some centuries ago, when a large force of Routot was able to besiege the city through the winter. The siege was long and bloody, yet for all the carnage on the walls, the city’s gates refused to fall. After the siege was lifted, the defenders of the city founded their own knightly order to defend Dessen and the rest of the March. Calling themselves the Knights of the Battered Oak, after the massive reinforced gates of the city, the order is one fiercely devoted to its region. Made up of the zealous knights of the March, the order takes it charge quite seriously, devoting all of its time and energy to fighting the Routot. Fairly xenophobic, they suffer only members who have claim to the region, made up entirely of old noble families from within the March itself. This breeds a certain mentality and ideology among them, and arrogance is often a key trait in their ranks.
Swords of the Rock
A slightly unconventional knightly order, the Swords of the Rock are a cadre of hermit warriors who live in the north. Scattered across the shores near Sarzig, they function as bulwarks against the predations of the Kayung Orcs, helping to defend the isolated fishing villages on the cliffs and rocks of the bay. Each knight is landed, though often with little more than their own small stone tower to call home. A retinue often lives with them, hard men ready to fight to defend their homeland from Orcs. The network of knights is considered vital by the Dukes and people around Sarzig, and many tales are told about their heroism. In reality, the task is horribly lonesome even with a handful of followers, and so the order often has trouble replenishing its ranks. Eccentricities and outright insanity are not uncommon, unfortunately, owing to other rumours beyond the romantic tales. They are tremendous fighters, however, often facing down entire war parties nearly single handedly.