The Midlands


The northernmost city on the Kodno, Mutsu sits as two connected cities, linked together by a fortified bridge. This bridge connects the Kodno with the rest of Oderen, the strait between the two being quite narrow at this passage. The larger city of Mutsu is on the southern bank, while the smaller Hakafu is on the northern side of the strait. Both are very heavily defended, owing to the Yama invasions that occasionally pour from the mountains to try and destroy the settlement. Defending the strait is a major priority for the rulers of Mutsu, clan Juntoku, who hold one of the strongest navies on the Kodno. They have begun to extend their influence up the coast to Lichoan, hoping to develop the human settlement into a legitimate and exclusive trading partner.


Mutsu has, for much of the past centuries, been relatively isolated at the northern tip of the Kodno. Separated from the other cities by mountains and sea, it has little occasion or need to expand its holdings. The small territory surrounding the city has been held by the Juntoku clan for millennia, while irs vassals remain loyal and committed to their overlords. All of this is mostly due to the Yama invasions, preoccupying any sort of political plans the Juntoku could try and make. As such, Mutsu remains removed from the bulk of political conflict in the south, and has languished as a somewhat minor house in the grand scheme of things. This is changing under Banri, the current lord of the clan, who has begun to invest in trade with the Firdach city of Lichoan to try and spur a relationship with that city. By reaching out to human settlements he hopes to find influence and wealth unavailable in the southern cities of the Elves, without sacrificing the safety of his city.


Bengo Soldier


Mutsu has, for much of history, been a crucial point of defense for the rest of the Kodno. The Yama are a mythical race to many Elves, living in small clusters high in the Ashi mountains. And yet in Mutsu, they are very real. They live in great numbers in the Malada mountains to the north of the city, and occasionally venture down in hordes to assault the city. The Bengo are the first line of defence against these monsters, preventing them from gaining access to the rest of the Kodno. These warriors venture out and try to cut off any gatherings of the Yama before they grow too large, ranging beyond the walls of Hakafu to try and prevent incursions before they begin. Otherwise, they garrison on the northern bank, prepared to do battle at a moment's notice. The order is highly storied and very well-respected in Mutsu, though not many beyond the city will acknowledge its achievements. The Bengo typically fight with glaive or bow, preferring to avoid the grasp of the Yama.



Mutsu has been under siege for much of its existence, fighting off increasingly large incursions of Yama from the Malada mountains. As such, its fortifications have been built up over time to be extremely fearsome, safeguarding the city from all but the worst of these assaults. The chief of these defences of the Gorosuiji, a massive stone wall ringing the city of Hakafu on the north bank. It surrounds the city in a great arc, ending in towers embedded into the sea to prevent any sort of circumnavigating by would-be attackers. Thick and stout, the walls offer very little give for any sort of siege weapon, and no purchase with which to climb, the stones having been worn smooth during their construction. All of this is defended by the Bengo, with four large keeps built into the walls housing their numbers. All of this is somewhat mirrored on the south bank of the city, though on a much smaller scale, with few attacks coming from that direction.


Juntoku Banri, Juntoku Patriarch, Master of Mutsu

Mutsu sits at the very northern tip of the Kodno, spread across a thin strait that separates the island from the rest of the continent. Isolated by the Ashi and Malada mountains, it serves as an oasis of sorts amid the rocky cliffs of its surroundings. Originally a fishing village, its location in the centre of the region made it a natural capital for the surrounding villages. The regional lords established their court here, the Juntoku clan being the most powerful. Mostly uninterested in the politics that engulf the rest of the island, Mutsu focuses more on the threats in the mountains. Various monsters come down from the Malada mountains, breaking in hordes against the walls and fortifications there. Banri is the city’s master, patriarch of the Juntoku clan. A young lord, he ascended to his role upon the death of his father defending the city. He is brave and tempered, a just and honourable ruler. His subjects greatly admire him for his martial prowess, inspiring them with his leadership in battle. He is surprisingly down to earth for Elf nobles, focused more on the well-being of his city than any sort of political glory or grandstanding. He is clean shaven and fresh faced, looking much younger than he is. Short black hair is kept tied back.

Shoryuko, Bengo Captain

The Bengo are a storied faction within Mutsu, having been the primary defense against the Yama as long as anyone can remember. They reside in several fortified keeps surrounding Hakafu, manning the thick walls wrapping around the city. Their members also venture forth into the foothills of the Malada mountains, gathering information on their foes and disrupting any bands they come across in the process. Within Mutsu, they have a reputation for fearlessness and reckless abandon, their badge being associated with bravery and patriotism. Many noble sons join the ranks of the Bengo, with service seen as a great reflection upon the family itself. Some leaders of the Bengo have risen from more common roots to become exalted figures within the city. Most prominent of these currently is Shoryuko, a short and hardy Elf who commands one of the keeps dedicated to the order. He is a folk hero in Mutsu for his defiance of the Labazhe, a great Yama warlord, after the two met in battle during an assault on the city. Shoryuko survived the encounter with a wound, trading his own eye for one of the creature’s horns. Nonetheless, he continues his vigilance, and lends his experience to the defence of his beloved city.